Published on 26th March 2020

Board Update – March 2020

I have written a Board update every month since late 2018. These have been very focused on the detail of the operations around our club. This one is different. 

We are facing a challenge the like of which most of us have not seen in our lifetime. We do not know where it will take us, but we know life is going to look different once we reach the other side – and most definitely along the way as we get there.  

As you are all aware, the Board is doing everything we can to keep the golf course open. We have been consulting regularly with Golf NSW and Golf Australia to ensure we are acting appropriately on the Government’s instructions as they develop. We will continue to respond to any guidance or instruction we receive.

Please reach out to your fellow members, or to myself, any Board member or staff member, over the coming months, if we can help you in any way. We are all members of an amazing community that we call Avondale Golf Club. 

Many of us are familiar with connecting via a wide range of social networking tools, and we can all help each other to make the most of these. Instagram, FaceTime, Zoom, Facebook, Skype – familiar names to some of us, but not to others. We can all help each other connect in ways we never thought possible.

I am proud to lead your Board through this time. We are steadfastly focused on making the best decisions for our club. Over the last week or so, it has been on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Moving forward, we will continue to communicate with members on a regular basis and also endeavour to ensure each decision we make sets our club up for the future in the best possible way.

We should all lean on our club as we work through this next period of time. I do know that if we stay tight as a community, we will come out of this in an even stronger position than when we started.

Kerry Skellern

Filed under: App News